
This sacrament has been called the Sacrament of Conversion, Confession, Penance, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation. Sin damages our relationship with God and damages our communion with the Church. Our journey back to God begins with a conversion of heart. This is followed liturgically by confession of sins to a priest, the forgiveness of our sins, a penance to make some amends for sin, and reconciliation with God and the Church. For those who commit grave or mortal sin, this sacrament is necessary for being reconciled to God and the Church. It may be celebrated individually, communally, or in extreme circumstances, with general absolution.

Youth First Reconciliation Preparation:

Based on Diocesan Policies for Sacramental Preparation guidelines, children begin their preparation for First Reconciliation when they have entered the 2nd grade. Students in both public and Catholic schools should attend this yearlong preparation in the parish Religious Formation program. Children should take part in the regular religious education program (either with the parish or in a Catholic School) for at least one year before they prepare for these sacraments. For additional information, please contact Sonia Sorto at 757-484-7335 or

Adult First Reconciliation Preparation:

Baptized adults (Catholics and non-Catholic Christians) who have not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a youth will have an opportunity for reconciliation prior to confirmation in the Church. The Cluster Parishes offer these individuals the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). For more information about RCIA, please click here. 

Please note: There is NO REQUIREMENT to join or be registered at any of our parishes to receive the Sacraments. You are always welcome to do so, however there is NO REQUIREMENT.